Answers to some Frequently Asked Questions: (Winter edition)

What time do you open / close?

We open at 7:30 am and close at 7:30 pm (everyone must be off-site by 7:45 pm). The exception to this is when there is an event on, such as a full moon swim when we open for longer. Monthly and Winter pass holders may access the lakes from 7 am.

Can I have a look around the lakes?

No. For the privacy of those using the lakes, we do not allow people to look around.

I’m new to Winter swimming what do I do?

If you are an inexperienced cold water swimmer then do not swim on your own, please come with friends or join our Social swim group on Fridays at 9 am, or arrange to meet another swimmer. We have a Facebook group called Pool Bridge Farm Swimmers and this is a great place to find a friendly swim buddy. You could also book an introduction to cold water with our fabulous coach Carrine (Find her details in the friends of PBF section). Another alternative is to book a sauna and have an immediate group of new friends.

Are there fish in the lakes?

Yes. In fact, you don’t want to swim in a lake that doesn’t have fish, as that’s a sign it’s not very healthy water. However, we don’t have any massive fish. Carp are the largest we have in M-lake and Horseshoe, and we definitely don’t have any fish that will bite you. Generally, the fish will give you a wide berth. You might see them jumping, but they are no more a fan of you than you are of them!

Are dogs allowed on site?

No, except for assistance dogs. This is for the protection of the wildlife that lives on-site as well as for health & hygiene reasons. Assistance dogs must be wearing something that identifies them clearly to others, are not allowed in the water and must be on a short lead at all times.

Can I bring non-swimming friends to the lake/lakeside?

Yes, provided they have purchased a ticket or pass. If people do not have a valid ticket or pass, they are NOT permitted by the lakeside.

Can I get a refund on my ticket / Can I change the date/time of my booking?

No. We have chosen to make all tickets non-refundable or changeable due to the amount of admin time this was taking, therefore please make sure that your booking is correct at the time of making it. You can however give your ticket to others if you can no longer attend in person. If you can no longer make the date you booked (with the exception of Moon swims and other events) you may sell or pass on your tickets on our Facebook page.

What are the benefits of getting a monthly pass?

If you are swimming 5 times or more per month then a monthly pass will save you money. Monthly pass holders also get a £5 discount on the sauna. Monthly passes become available one week before the start of the month.

Can I start my monthly membership halfway through the month?

You can purchase a monthly membership at any time but the only membership we offer is per calendar month (i.e. it runs from the first day of a given month to the last day of that month). For some, it may still be worth buying a monthly pass well into the current month, as they will still make savings, for others, it may not be worth it. We do NOT offer memberships spanning 2 months.

What do I need to bring for swimming?

In winter you need to come prepared. From October onwards the water can dip to single figures so keeping warm once you are out is vital. You don’t need a wetsuit, you can swim in a costume, however, if you wish to wear a wet suit that is fine too. Neoprene gloves and boots help keep you warm as does a woolly hat. You will need a towel to dry off after and lots of layers, a flask of hot drink and maybe even a hot water bottle to out down your top.

Can I book a table in the cafe?

Please contact Ian and Alison on 07751 542928 or email for anything relating to the cafe.

Can we camp?

The campsite is open May-October Please see the camping page for more information.

Is it safe to swim in the lakes?

As with most things in life, there are always risks, swimming is no different. However, the shape of the lakes makes them safer than many other lakes as you will always be relatively close to the bank. We ask that every swimmer does their research before coming to the lakes

Why are the lakes so blue? and How good is the water quality?

We continually monitor the water quality through visual inspection as well as through a 3rd party specialist water quality tester. There are also no water run-offs into any of the lakes. To help prevent algae, the lakes are dyed using a natural colouring, which gives the lakes their colour. The dye is safe with more than 60 times the amount of dye per given volume being found in a popular energy drink than in our lakes!

Does the Sauna price also include swimming?

Yes! Please feel free to swim for as long as you wish, before during and after your sauna.

Can I go for a run at Pool Bridge Farm?

Members and those with a swimming or lakeside ticket may also go for a run from the farm, or around the areas open to ticket holders but not past the campsite or into the woods this is private land.

Do I have to pay? But I’m not swimming!?

Yes, you have to pay to use our lake and lakeside facilities even if you are not swimming.

How do I pay?

Online Booking is essential. Anyone found at the lakeside without a ticket will be asked to leave immediately and will not be able to use our facilities again.

How should we contact you?

Please only use phone or email. Any contact through social media platforms may result in a significant delay to your reply, if at all. We also respectfully ask that you do not contact any owners or team members through their personal social media platforms, please.

What happens if Im late for my sauna session?

Sauna sessions are 55 mins long, this allows for approximately 4 rounds of alternate heat and cold dipping. If you are late you will still be able to join the sauna session but we cant extend your time. If there is room in the next sauna when you arrive the team might be able to move you to the later session but no promises

What is the Water Temperature?

It varies…from Freezing to “not too bad”. As a rough guide 2-5 in the coldest months when the air temperature is similar. The rest of autumn and winter it hovers around 10 degrees. If the air temp drops the lake temps drop.

Can I bring Children?

In the winter season (October-April) no it’s too cold. If the only way you can swim is to bring your child with you (as a spotter) then this is ok we understand the strains of parenthood. We just ask they are quiet and respectful and don’t enter the water and are in your sight under close superviosn at all time. Please purchase a free spotter ticket for them. 16/17 year olds are allowed to a sauna and swim session with a parent/guardian. Please do no leave children on lakeside whilst swimming that are very young/at risk of wandering off.

Can I light one of the firepits?

No, unfortunately not. The fire pits around the lake can only be lit and used by staff.

Can I play music ?

Music isn’t allowed, even if it’s really, really quiet. Bring your headphones or better still listen to the birds.

Can we bring a picnic?

Yes bring a picnic to enjoy around the lakes, all we ask is you don’t use the benches and tables outside the café, and you take all your rubbish home with you. Please don’t eat your picnic in the barn either.

Do you have lockers?

Yes. There are lockers in the barn, however you need to bring a padlock.

When can I swim the whole way round Q lake?

Q Lake is open fully for swimming before 10 am every day and all day Tuesday. During these times you can not launch paddleboards or kayaks. If there is no one paddleboarding in Q lake you can swim in the paddleboarding section, however, if a board is then launched please get out. From November 1st onwards Q lake will be completely for swimming.

Is there anywhere to get changed?

Yes, We have a change barn with separate male/female changing for our sauna users. We have a communal change barn by the Shepherd’s Hut sauna between the M Lake and the Monet Lake. This also has 2 smaller areas for male/female changing. We also have male and female change barn up at the Q lake.

Do you have toilets

Male, female and accessible toilets are available in the main yard close to the cafe.

Do you have Showers we can use?

We have 2 showers, these are available to use if necessary but DO NOT use the shower to warm up after a swim as this is dangerous. Our lakes are pretty clean almost like having a bath.

Can we paddleboard?

Paddleboarding closes on November 2nd and will reopen in spring.

Do you have hairdryers?

No, and there is nowhere to plug them in we are not a luxury spa.

Do you hire out towels?

No see reason above

Ive left my shoe, towel, costume, watch etc behind what do I do?

If the item is valuable please email or call us staff will try to relocate it and place it in the staffroom for collection. All other items will be placed on the lost property shelves in the barn if found. Please pop by at any time during opening hours to pick them up.

Can I hire out the lakes privately?

We have introduced the “Alternative Night” out this winter, where you can hire all 3 saunas and M lake after close for up to 20 people. We will also light fire pits for you and your friends. This is not open to businesses just groups of friends coming together. Please see the booking page for available dates, it is most Saturday and Sunday nights from 7:45pm to 11pm.

I am a yoga teacher/life coach/masseure/artist* can I carry out sessions at your venue? * or any wellness/fitness specialism

We have a couple of instructors (including our SUP instructor Andy and our Swim coach Carrine) and an artist (Lucie) who work closely with us. At present, we have no indoor space for people to use. We hope to develop our indoor offerings and wellness aspect next spring but we like to work with people we know well and trust. If you are a regular swimmer and would like to work with us speak to one of the team.

Can I display my art or crafts for sale in the barn or cafe?

We work with a local artist called Lucie who has some paintings on display in the cafe, and a lino print artist (Jen) who has a sauna-specific print on display in the sauna cabin. Unfortunately, we do not have space available for everyone who swims at PBF and makes beautiful art to display. We allow people to post their art on the first Friday of every month in our Facebook group. We are also planning a spring art evening (which was supposed to happen in summer but we became very busy very quickly!)

Can I swim naked?

No, we require everyone to wear a swim suit. The only time this may alter is if you have booked the alternative night out- but if your plan is to skinny dip then please let us know so our team are aware. We may bring back our skinny-dipping sessions in the spring.

Do I need a parking ticket?

Parking is included with almost every ticket. Saunas always include parking. You only need to worry about parking when your ticket options are “with parking” or without parking”. This is only for events such as moon swims. If you are driving a car please book with parking, if you are a passenger book without parking. No more than one ticket with parking is to be purchased in any order. Parking can not be bought separately.

Do you do blue light discount?

We offer an NHS staff discount on swimming tickets and monthly passes, we do not offer a generic blue light discount- this is a family choice based on personal reasons and we thank you in advance for understanding. We do not offer this discount on sauna bookings. To use the discount simply purchase an NHS ticket and bring your ID along with you.

Can I swim in the dark?

Yes, we light up Monet Lake in the dark so you are able to swim here during opening hours when the dark mornings and evening draw in. If you have a sauna booked after sunset you will be able to swim in M-Lake by the saunas throughout your sauna session. We also allow swimming in the dark on our Moon swims- in fact they'd be pretty rubbish if you weren't allowed to swim! Other than what's mentioned no other swimming is permitted in the dark.

Do you allow businesses to bring people along to use the facilities?

We do not allow anyone to include PBF as part of a wellness or coaching package without consulting us first. No business is able to sell our tickets on to their clients without prior agreement and no coach is allowed to lead a group anywhere on our property without the correct paper work, insurance and agreements in place. If you would like to bring a team for a day out/team building please contact us and we can help you arrange this.

Will you stay open when the Lakes ice over?

YES. Everyone loves an ice swim. However, you must follow the guidelines and only dip in ice-holes ar entry points specified by our team. Under no circumstances should Q lake be used when it is iced over.